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Premenstrual Syndrome: How To Deal With Mood Swings Of Women?

Premenstrual Syndrome

You might feel happy at one moment, like singing along to your favorite song. But after a few minutes/hours, you might feel irritated and shed tears for no reason. This is most likely because of hormonal fluctuations that happen before and/or during a period. Characterized by physical and emotional symptoms—known to be Premenstrual Syndrome!

You might worry, “Why is this happening?”

You’re not alone!

3 out of 4 women could have experienced PMS at some point in their lives. Moreover, it is common among women in their late 20s and early 40s.

Typically, they could experience PMS emotions around a week before a menstrual period. At this moment, they may find themselves waking up in a good mood and becoming irritable as the day goes on. It could range from mild irritability to severe emotional disturbances.

The exact cause is not completely determined. Yet, one such underlying reason is the fluctuation of the primary hormones—the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop during the second half of the menstrual cycle. This in turn can impact the serotonin level, which is the neurotransmitter in the brain that is responsible for regulating the mood, sleep cycle, and appetite.

Mixed Emotions in One Day!

Just because of PMS, you might experience different emotions, from crying spells to angry outbursts, then return to a normal, stable emotional state—all in one day. Despite this, it can impact your sleeping cycle, and you may find it difficult to concentrate and lack interest in performing your daily activities.

Emotional twists and turns apart, PMS can even exacerbate physical symptoms. Significantly, it includes body aches (muscle or joint pain), headaches, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, and occasional flare-ups of acne.

Usually, these symptoms decline with the onset of menstruation. If not, it could be manageable by modifying the lifestyle alongside making the right dietary choices.

Here’s What You Have To Do – Manage PMS Emotions

  • Take foods rich in fiber, calcium (like milk and green vegetables), vitamin B-6 (like fish and fruit), and whole grains.
  • Avoid sugary foods & junk items, and minimize the use of sodium in your meals.
  • Calm yourself by doing meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and pranayama.
  • Limit/avoid caffeine from sources like chocolate, cocoa, coffee, and tea.
  • Ensure you get adequate sleep and rest.
  • Engage in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, for at least 20 to 25 days a month.
  • Begin exercising at least 10 days before the expected onset of menstruation to help reduce symptoms.

Couldn’t Manage Symptoms Of PMS?

While these lifestyle changes can be effective in managing PMS for many women, there are instances when symptoms become overwhelming and persistently affect daily life. In such cases, it is better to meet the best gynaecologists at Dr Mehta’s for medical advice and address your queries then and there.

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