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Is Knee Pain Common Among Even 30s & 40s?

Knee Pain

As you age, knee pain arises naturally. However, age is not the only factor behind it. Nowadays, even people in their 30s and 40s experience knee pain, largely due to being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle.

The knee joint, being the most extensive and intricate joint in the human body, plays a vital role in everyday tasks as a joint that bears the weight of the body. When overused, it can lead to degeneration and injury.

During activities like climbing stairs, the pressure on the knee joint can be as high as four times the body’s weight. Additionally, it can increase to almost eight times during activities like running or jumping.

Common Causes Of Knee Pain Among Young People

Sitting for a prolonged time in a poor posture or being in repetitive motions can contribute to knee pain. This can lead to the softening of the cartilage under the kneecap, which is a result of the Chondromalacia Patella, involving the softening of the cartilage under the kneecap. The pain and stiffness can increase especially when getting up after prolonged sitting or climbing stairs.

Being overweight is the underlying reason for many health issues to arise. One is knee pain. This might not sound like a potentially complication health problem. Yet, people who are overweight are at a high risk of developing early osteoarthritis. This is because excess body weight puts additional stress on the knee joint, resulting in pain and discomfort.

Another prevalent cause of knee pain comes from sports-related injuries. Engaging in intense physical activities or contact sports (like football and badminton) can lead to the wear and tear of the knee joint. Some common sports injuries include ligament tears (like ACL tears), meniscus tears, and patellar tendinitis.

Prevent Knee Pain

“Prioritize wellness at home and in your workplace!!”

  • Keep your weight under control to reduce the stress on your knee joints.
  • Include a variety of foods rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, seeds, and lean meats.
  • Avoid running or walking on hard surfaces, as these can exacerbate knee strain.
  • Proper warm-up and stretching before physical activities can help prevent sports-related injuries.
  • Prefer suitable footwear with good cushioning and support.
  • Practice regular yoga to improve flexibility, and incorporate quadriceps and hamstring strengthening exercises into your routine to enhance knee joint stability.
  • Ergonomic adjustments and frequent posture checks can help avoid knee pain.

Diagnose Knee Pain At The Earliest To Avoid Complications

Remember that early diagnosis is important to prevent complications and ensure timely intervention.

Many knee conditions can be addressed through conservative measures such as rest, medications, physiotherapy, and strengthening exercises. For cases involving ligament injuries and more severe damage, surgery may be necessary.

If you experience knee pain persisting for more than three weeks, consult Dr Mehta’s orthopedician promptly for early diagnosis and treatment.

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