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What To Do When Exposed to Omicron?


As scientists learn what distinguishes Omicron from other versions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, recommendations about how to cope with the variant are constantly progressing. Omicron has now become the dominant variant, spreading much faster than its forerunner, the potentially deadly Delta variant. Although individuals infected with Omicron typically exhibit milder symptoms, it is only valid for those who have previously been vaccinated, it is undeniably a COVID-19 variant, and it is likely to be fatal to those with a weaker immune system as other COVID-19 variants. Above all, patients infected with it have no way of knowing whether they are infected with the Delta pathogen or the Omicron pathogen. A combination of these two viruses has caused infection numbers to skyrocket to unimaginable heights in just one day, while hospitals have once again become overburdened. A tipping point has been reached among the general public. We have sadly been forced to make a bad compromise due to the recent spike in Omicron – one that is even more harmful to our health than ever before. As it is a highly contagious virus, it necessitates more frequent testing, which is not always possible. So many of us dismiss these symptoms as the common cold and go about our daily lives, endangering those around us. With that said, how can you protect yourself and those around you if you’ve been in contact with those who have COVID-19? More details can be found in the following article.

Is Quarantine necessary?

Although, no one gets to know that they’ve been in the company of a COVID-positive person – within six feet for a total of 15 minutes over a 24-hour period. The chances are extremely high for individuals to interact with infected patients, especially since the new Omicron variant is highly contagious and quick to transmit to others, it is more likely that you have already been exposed. In fact, it’s as good as guaranteed that most people have been exposed. In such a case the most important thing is to not panic and get tested first.

When a person comes into contact with a COVID-19 patient, they may become infected from the exposure, but they will not test positive right away. Since the symptoms of the illness will not appear within a day or two of exposure, the focus, in this case, should not be on testing, but on the possibility of quarantine and a decent mask to protect everyone else from themselves. The decision to quarantine or not depends on the individual’s vaccination status: unvaccinated, vaccinated, or vaccinated & boosted.

Those who are unvaccinated or who have been vaccinated with two doses but have not yet been boosted should quarantine for five days and continue to wear a mask around others for another five days. According to the CDC, if they have been boosted, quarantine is not required, but wearing a mask around everyone else is still required for at least 10 days after the exposure.

Wearing a mask around others includes wearing it at home to protect children, spouses, the elderly, or roommates from Omicron exposure. Although it may be difficult to implement at home, when a member of the family is infected, wearing N95s and sleeping in separate rooms can help prevent transmission. True, not everyone will be able to do so, but those who can be able to help prevent the spread of the disease.


Keep An Emergency Medicine Kit on Hand

When exposed to COVID-19, keep a stock of a few essential medicines and an emergency COVID preparedness kit on hand to minimize disruption in daily activities. The following are a few must-have items for treating COVID symptoms:

  • To relieve aches and fevers, carry paracetamol.
  • Cough syrup can be used to relieve aggravating coughs and allow you to relax.
  • Keeping count of your oxygen levels is essential when you feel ill, go to your local drugstore and purchase a pulse oximeter. If the count falls below 95%, you should notify your doctor right away.

Preventing the Spread of the Disease

Ensure the spread of the disease is prevented at all costs. Taking COVID tests at home makes it easier to identify if you’re positive, providing you with knowledge and the opportunity to act sooner. Taking the test can really help to prevent the virus from spreading so quickly, for instance if people attending an event take a home COVID test before the event and get a positive test result. They have the option of canceling the plan and preventing the spread of the disease in advance, thereby preventing others from becoming infected.



The ever-changing nature of COVID-19 continues to be a source of concern. However, there is still hope that can help you stay safe, such as at-home testing and the availability of vaccines, with more on the way in the near future, including anti-viral pills. Meanwhile, if you have been exposed to coronavirus, remain calm and take the precautions listed above to protect yourself and those around you.

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