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Role of a nutritious diet is very important for Immunity and Recovery

Immunity diet

The following nutrients are very important for immunity

  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin b complex
  • Selenium
  • Probiotic


Protein: Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. Proteins are made up of chemical ‘building blocks’ called amino acids. Your body uses amino acids to build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes. Proteins act as an energy source.

Sources: Non-vegetarian food items- egg, fish, meat, chicken, etc. If you are a non-vegetarian take 2 to 3 servings of non-veg every day. You can also take egg whites or whole eggs every day in any form Dhals and legumes: Incorporate varieties of dhals and pulses like Sprouts, Channa dhal, peas, whole moong, Rajma, etc.

Milk and milk products like curd, yogurt, paneer, and cheese can be included nuts are also good sources of protein

Zinc: Zinc helps keep your immune system strong. It is necessary for immune cell function and cell signaling a deficiency can lead to a weakened immune response. Zinc supplements stimulate particular immune cells and reduce oxidative stress.

Sources: Red meat, chickpeas, beans, Poultry, whole grains like- ragi, bajra, whole wheat, brown rice, nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds). You can take these seeds along with water or incorporate them in food items like milk, soups or gravies.

Iron: Haem iron is an essential component of the red blood cells and provides oxygen transport. Non-haem iron is mostly found in vegetable products but can also be found in the liver, spleen and bone marrow in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin.

Sources: Haem iron is only found in meat, chicken, and fish, and is easily absorbed. Non-haem iron is found in plant foods, such as beans and lentils, and also in eggs but is not absorbed as well by the body. Try to avoid taking coffee or tea along with iron-rich food as this will decrease iron absorption.

Vitamin C enhances iron absorption: Food high in vitamin C includes citrus fruits, guava, Amla, dark green leafy vegetables, bell peppers, melons, and strawberries.

food diet

Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy.

Sources: Oily and fatty fish varieties like salmon, egg yolk, mushrooms, fortified milk. However, spending time in the sun is a good way to get your daily dose of vitamin D. (Expose yourself to sunlight for 15 minutes, if possible, between 10 am to 12 noon)

Vitamin C: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues.

Sources: Citrus fruits like sweet lime, orange, lime, Guava, Amla, pineapple, papaya, strawberries, Vegetables like bell pepper, broccoli, etc.

Vitamin B Complex: It helps the body to make new red blood cells that carry oxygen.

Sources: Milk, cheese, eggs, liver and kidney, meat, fish, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds, yeast, soya products, citrus, banana, watermelon.

Selenium: This antioxidant helps to lower oxidative stress in your body and enhances immunity

Sources: Whole grains and dairy products, including milk and yogurt Pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs also contain high amounts of selenium

Probiotics: Whole grains and dairy products, including milk and yogurt Pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs contain high amounts of selenium.

Curd, yogurt, fermented foods like idli, dosa, Dhokla are rich in probiotics.

immunity diet table

Herbs & Spices:

  •  Herbs like ginger, garlic, pepper, turmeric, basil leaves, honey proven to be beneficial for immunity
  • Crushed ginger and garlic can be added in the preparation of food items crushed ginger, coriander seeds, basil leaves, and honey can also be taken in the form of ‘kashayam’
  • Curcumin in turmeric reduces inflammation and suppresses viral replication. It is best to take warm milk with turmeric and pepper powder every day

Eat Smart: Include protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, chicken, dhals, milk, cheese, curd in your everyday diet. Protein and fiber help in satiety as well as in immunity

Snack Smart: Choose healthy snacks like fruits, sprouts, channa, roasted nuts, sweet corn etc., instead of biscuits and fried items

Early Dinner: Try to have your dinner early to allow your body for proper digestion and assimilation of nutrients

Cut Down Sugar & Refined Carbs: Cut down the intake of sugar and refined carbs like maida to improve your immunity

Stay Hydrated: Drink water (warm water) frequently and stay hydrated

And remember there is no miracle diet to cure or prevent covid but a balanced diet is a key to improving immunity and fighting against the disease

Exercise: Increase blood flow and reduce inflammation

  • Do simple exercises at home like yoga, aerobics, stretching exercises at least 20 to 30 minutes a day
  • Deep breathing exercises have also proven to be beneficial
  • If you have any difficulties in doing exercises, consult your physician

Stress: Reduces immunity, so try to reduce your stress by involving yourself in your favorite activities like reading good books, listening to songs etc.

Sleep: At least 7 to 8 hours of good sleep is essential for good health and immunity

If you have any other comorbidities like diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, etc., you can contact the Mehta hospital dietitian for further guidance on this number: 8754576692



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