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Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery or Knee arthroplasty is used to alleviate pain and restore function to severely diseased knee joints.  The procedure involves removing damaged bone and cartilage segments from the thighbone, shinbone & kneecap and then replacing them with an artificial joint made of metal alloy, high-grade plastics and polymer. Knee replacement surgery in Chennai is primarily recommended for patients suffering from severe pain caused due to osteoarthritis. People with osteoarthritis find it painful to sit or stand for any duration; walk or climb a staircase and few even suffer pain even when resting.

A knee replacement surgery can help the patient lead a better life and avoid experiencing the constant pain they had prior to the surgery; they would gradually recuperate and resume physical activity like any other person. Although, they cannot engage in any intense physical activity they could still enjoy a brisk walk, light jog and sit or stand for any duration without a problem.

However, there are many stories circulating around Chennai which make a patient in need reluctant to perform a Knee replacement surgery. Friends and relatives talk about the surgery without much knowledge and loose information spreads inducing more fear.

Here is a list of 5 stories about Knee replacement surgery in Chennai that are simply not true:

Story 1: ‘A knee replacement surgery will put you in bed for a very long time’

Fact: Advancement in the field of surgery has made it possible for patients to be able to walk and use toilet independently within 1 or 2 days after surgery. Patients can begin walking outside within 3 weeks and resume working within 6 weeks.

Story 2: ‘I would need constant physiotherapy throughout the long recovery period’

Fact: About 99% of the people who underwent knee replacement surgery don’t require any physiotherapy. It is rare for physicians to recommend physiotherapy after the surgery as most people are able to recuperate on their own by practicing exercise instruction given before discharge. Also, the recovery period is very short and patients can walk without aid after 4 weeks.

Story 3: ‘People suffering from Diabetes or Hypertension or Heart disease are not able to undergo knee replacement surgery’

Fact: There is no restriction to undergo knee replacement surgery. The surgery takes place after a thorough assessment of the patient’s health condition. Although these diseases do not affect the result of surgery minimum caution is always necessary. In a certain sense, having a knee replacement surgery is better for patients suffering from these health conditions as after having undergone this treatment they would gradually be able to take long walks and maintain their health better.

Story 4: ‘Knee replacement would completely substitute the knee joints with artificial implants. A foreign object would definitely be rejected by the body’

Fact: Knee replacement is only used to restore or repair the knee joint rather than completely replacing it like a kidney. The operation is used to remove worn-out or damaged sections of the knee and replace them with artificial parts rather than implanting a complete artificial knee. Also, these implants are made with special alloys that are compatible with the human body and can stay in the system for a long time without any side effects.

Story 5: ‘Knee replacement surgery can be avoided by undergoing alternative treatment procedures such as massage with herbal oils, laser therapy, and Magnetic therapy etc.’

Fact: There is no clinically approved non-surgical cure for people suffering from conditions such as advanced arthritis or osteoarthritis. Alternative treatments such as these may be able to delay the condition and provide temporary relief; however, there is no avoiding the inevitable. Delaying the surgical procedure would only induce more panic and fear towards undergoing the procedure and worsen the condition of the knee.

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