Dr.Mehta's Children's Hospital

Emergency 24 x7 :
  Chetpet - 40054005 , Velappanchavadi - 40474047
For Appointment : Chetpet - 044 -42271234, Velappanchavadi: 044-40474057 / 8754889666

Pediatric Haemato Oncology

Pediatric Hemato Oncology

Department is headed by Senior Pediatric Haemoto Oncologists. We have children referred from all over South India. In the last 5 years We have diagnosed a variety of Haemotological Disorders (Anemia, Fanconis, Thalassemia, Aplastic Anemia, Spheroglosis. Red Cell Aplasia, Idiopethic Thrombo Cytogenic Purpura).

We provide treatment for various Haemotological Disorders including transfusion services. We have diagnosed and are following up with Immuno Deficiency Disorder and Auto Immune Diseases. We treat children with Acute Leukemia, Lymphomas, Neuroblast One, Colitis Tumor.