Dr.Mehta's Children's Hospital

Emergency 24 x7 :
  Chetpet - 40054005 , Velappanchavadi - 40474047
For Appointment : Chetpet - 044 -42271234, Velappanchavadi: 044-40474057 / 8754889666

Pediatric Neurosurgery

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Dr Mehta’s Children’s Hospital offers the most comprehensive pediatric neuro surgical services in chennai treating complex disorders that can affect a child’s brain and spinal cord.

The team includes competent neurosurgeons, pediatric critical care, and neonatal critical care specialists as well as specialty nurses and other health care professionals. There is a particular expertise in the management of complex brain tumors in children and cerebrovascular disorders requiring a range of expertise.

Pediatric Neurosurgical Specialties:

Pediatric Brain Tumors

Pediatric Spinal Cord Tumors

Pediatric Cerebrovascular Disorders

Arteriovenous malformations

Cavernous malformations


Congential Disorders

  •          Chiari malformation
  •          Craniofacial anomalies


  •          Hydrocephalus
  •          Spina Bifida (myelomeningocele, meningocele, spina occulta)

Pediatric Epilepsy

Nerve Injury

Spasticity and Cerebral Palsy

Traumatic brain and spinal cord injury