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Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), once considered a rare phenomenon among young adults, has now become a rising concern of deaths all over the world. From notable celebrities like famous singer KK to young teenagers, they have faced a sudden cardiac death, which has led to a devastating impact on their families and community. 

A 2022 review by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reported 32,457 people dead due to heart attacks. According to this data, an overall surge in sudden cardiac deaths was observed from 28,413 in 2021  to 32,457 in 2022.

Cardiovascular diseases have become a leading cause of mortality, accounting for almost 28% of all deaths, among which 10% stands alone for SCDs. These numbers are particularly alarming among younger demographics, proving an increased risk of cardiac arrest among individuals aged 30- 50.

Several studies suggest that the causes of sudden cardiac death in young adults are urbanization, extreme stress levels, and improper maintenance of lifestyle. Since SCD comes without any prior warning symptoms, the need for early detection and preventive care is mandatory to overcome this risk. 

We, at Dr. Mehta’s Hospitals, have created a list of the causes of sudden cardiac death, the warning factors, and some ways to avoid these heart risks. This blog includes:

  1. What is sudden cardiac death?
  2. Major causes of sudden cardiac death in young adults
  3. Warning Signs of a Sudden Cardiac Death
  4. Which people are more vulnerable to sudden cardiac death risk factors?
  5. How to avoid heart problems
  6. Special cardiac healthcare from Dr Mehta’s Hospitals 

What is Sudden Cardiac Death?

Cardiologists define Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) as an unexcepted death caused by an abrupt interruption or termination of heart function. SCD is said to occur within 1 hour of the onset of symptoms. 

Unlike a heart attack, sudden cardiac arrest arises from an electrical disturbance that disrupts the heart’s rhythm. This can often lead to death if not treated immediately.

Parts of Hearts

According to medical experts, SCD is said to occur in young adults due to undiagnosed heart conditions that stay dormant for years until you get a sudden trigger from physical exertion, emotional stress, or any other external factors.

10 major causes of sudden cardiac death in young adults

Sudden Cardiac Death mostly hits young people with genetic or congenital heart disease. However, people with acquired heart disease also have the possibility of having a sudden cardiac arrest. It is rare but possible. 

These heart conditions affect the structure and rhythm of your heart, strain your heart muscles, and cause a disruption in proper blood flow. 

The major causes of Sudden Cardiac Death are listed below:

1. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

One of the common causes of sudden cardiac death in young athletes is HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. HCM is a genetic heart condition that affects 1 out of 167 people.

This condition thickens and enlarges the muscles of the heart’s left ventricle, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body. This strains the heart and lungs, thus disrupting the typical heart rhythms. 

2. Coronary Artery Anomalies

This is a birth defect where your coronary arteries get structural deformity. 

People with this defect can experience a blood flow restriction to the heart during exercise or any other physical activity.  This leads to sudden cardiac arrests. 

3. Coronary artery disease

This is an acquired heart disease (a heart disease you are not born with) where the coronary arteries narrow down and gradually become blocked. 

This condition hampers the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the heart. It also affects the blood vessels that supply blood to your heart. These detrimental (harmful) actions can result in sudden heart attacks. 

4. Arrhythmias

Arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats caused by undiagnosed genetic conditions that affect the heart’s electrical system. These conditions include:

heart syndromes

  • Long QT syndrome: This is a heart rhythm condition that causes fast and chaotic heartbeats.
  • Brugada syndrome: This is a rare genetic disorder of heart rhythm that causes irregular heartbeats.
  • Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: This condition is caused by an extra electrical pathway in the heart that creates rapid pumping.

These conditions can trigger a sudden cardiac arrest even with a structurally normal heart.

5. Myocarditis

Myocarditis is one of the main reasons for sudden cardiac death. 

Myocarditis, triggered by viral infections, causes inflammation of the heart walls. But bacteria, fungal, or parasitic infections or even an allergic reaction to certain medications can also cause myocarditis.

6. Drug overdose or alcohol

Consuming too much alcohol, recreational drugs, or energy drinks is injurious to heart health. These habits increase the risk of a cardiac arrest. 

7. Marfan syndrome

This is a connective tissue disorder that causes tears in the aorta of the heart and creates a possibility of sudden cardiac arrest. 

8. Commotio Cordis

This condition causes sudden cardiac arrest after you receive a blunt-force trauma to the chest (probably due to an accident, a heavy object falling on the chest, or something hitting the chest at high speed). Commotio Cordis is more common in young athletes who play sports like football. 

9. Stress 

Today’s urban lifestyle is characterized by hectic schedules that disrupt our biological clock greatly. It creates a situation of high stress among young individuals.  When this stress level reaches the extreme, it creates a possibility of getting sudden cardiac arrest. 

10. Inactive Lifestyle

Constant desk work leads to a lack of activity in the body. Low physical activity is a probable cause of sudden cardiac death.

Warning Signs of a Sudden Cardiac Death

Sudden cardiac death comes without any warning; but there are some symptoms that point to its arrival.

  • Chest pain (during exercise especially)
  • Dizziness during physical activities.
  • Fainting 
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Palpitations (a heavy, unusually fast heartbeat).
  • Swelling in the lower part of the body

If a young individual faces these symptoms, there is a high possibility of him/her going into a sudden cardiac arrest. So if you notice these signs, be sure to consult a cardiologist from the best cardiology hospitals in Chennai

Dr. Mehta’s Hospitals in Chennai conduct treatment for these heart rhythm disorders through personalized treatment plans, regular monitoring, prompt addressing of your cardiac problem, and follow-up appointments.

Who needs screening for sudden cardiac death risk factors?

Young athletes are usually vulnerable to suffering from sudden cardiac death. However, people with certain cardiac death risk factors can also face SCD. These death-risk factors include:

  • A family history of unexplained sudden cardiac death of a healthy family member under the age of 50. 
  • A family member with a hereditary heart muscle or electrical problem.
  • Chest pain during exercise.
  • Sudden occurrence of an abnormal heartbeat rhythm of unknown origin.
  • Fainting or seizures without any warning during exercise. 
  • A congenital heart defect (even if it has been surgically treated).

Apart from these scenarios, it is always advisable to undergo a full heart checkup if your days are filled with stress or you do high-intensity workouts. These checkups ensure a proper diagnosis of any asymptomatic heart condition that can cause severe cardiac damage in the long run.

How to avoid heart problems

There are some simple methods you can follow to avoid heart problems. 

1. Improve Lifestyle

The first step is improving your lifestyle. Lifestyle plays a major role in causing SCD in young adults. Bad habits like poor dietary habits, smoking, lack of physical exercise, caffeine addiction, and too much alcohol consumption contribute equally to cardiac arrest. 

You should follow these pointers to improve your lifestyle:

  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Physical exercise of at least 45 minutes every day.
  • Avoid smoking, excess alcohol, and energy drinks.
  • Practice yoga or meditation to reduce stress. 

2. Early Detection

Early detection of disorders in the heart, be it in the muscles or rhythm, is a preventive measure everyone should adopt. 

Arrange regular medical checkups, particularly if you belong to a family with a history of sudden cardiac death or any other heart disorder. 

Advanced medical diagnostic tools in Dr. Mehta’s Hospitals, such as 

  • ECGs,
  • Echocardiograms, and 
  • Stress tests can detect dormant heart conditions and prevent them from causing trouble in the future. 

3. Keep a healthy diet

You must reduce salt, sugar, or saturated fat intake. Instead, fill yourself with whole foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and heart-healthy nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Advanced treatment for heart diseases

If you are an individual diagnosed with heart conditions, be sure to get yourself treated at a good cardiology hospital like us. Getting treated for heart disorders at the right time can greatly reduce the possible risk of sudden cardiac death in young adults. 

Special cardiac healthcare from Dr Mehta’s Hospitals

We are Dr. Mehta’s Hospitals, a well-recognized multispecialty hospital, with an expertise of over 90 years. Cardiac patients with both acute and chronic heart conditions are treated by us with the help of 

  • advanced state-of-the-art diagnostic tools
  • latest medical facilities like modern Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory (Cath lab) and 
  • efficient treatment plans for each condition. 

We perform a list of important heart treatments and surgeries that can reduce the risk of sudden cardiac arrests. These include:

  • Interventional Cardiology for diagnosing and treating structured heart diseases.
  • Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery. These procedures involve bypass surgeries, complex aortic surgeries, and heart valve repairs and replacements.
  • Cardiac Electrophysiology for diagnosing and treating cardiac arrhythmias. It includes treatments with implantable pacemakers and defibrillators.

Dr. Sriram V and Dr. Narendhiran. P are our most reputed cardiologists in Chennai, who have led an experienced team of experts. They have treated complex heart ailments for thousands of patients over the years. 

The increased rate of sudden cardiac deaths in India is an obvious reminder for us to start taking proper care of our health.  Notice your symptoms, keep regular track of your lifestyle, and maintain healthy habits by avoiding the bad ones.

If you feel you or your loved ones are showing the mentioned signs of SCD, contact us now at mehtahospital.com for proper cardiac care. 


  1. Which side is heart pain on?

Heart pain is usually felt on the left side of the chest. This pain can radiate down to your left arm or into the jaw. But this everyone doesn’t experience the same type of pain and in the exact same location. Some may experience this pain more towards the center of the chest.

  1. How can young adults prevent sudden cardiac arrest?

Young adults can prevent sudden heart attacks by:

  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Having a balanced, nutrient-rich diet.
  • Exercising regularly
  • Limiting smoking and alcohol levels.
  • Having regular checkups if you have a family history of heart disease. 
  1. Do you get any warning signs before a sudden cardiac arrest?

Yes, you get some common warning signs before experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest, like chest pain, dizziness, fainting or seizures. According to medical research, individuals begin experiencing the signs 24 hours before a sudden cardiac arrest. But this varies by gender. Men mainly face chest pain, whereas females face shortness of breath. 

  1. Can a healthy person have sudden cardiac arrest?

Yes, sometimes a healthy person can experience a sudden cardiac arrest. This can happen due to several reasons, like stress, an irregular lifestyle, or some acquired heart disease. You can also experience cardiac arrest if your arteries get clogged by cholesterol and other deposits that reduce the blood flow to the heart.