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You’re pregnant!!

Should you continue working until the due date of your pregnancy?


Opt for a temporary break from your career?

“What’s the right thing to do? It’s a frequent dilemma for pregnant women.”

It’s up to you to pick. Any of these options are fine.

But, you have to listen to your body and consult with your obstetrician about what you can and shouldn’t do in these precious 9 months – throughout your motherhood.

Here’s the…

Simple Tips For Women Working During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness?

Nausea & Vomiting are Normal during the First Trimester. It begins around the sixth week of pregnancy and peaks around the 9th week.

No worries, it subsides after the end of the first trimester.

You can ease nausea and vomiting if you avoid triggers that cause them. Drinking ginger tea can help as well.

Remember, vomiting 8 to 10 times a day is not common. Do consult with your obstetrician.

Pregnancy Fatigue can be Overwhelming

Eat well to deal with fatigue. It should be balanced though. Must include foods rich in iron and protein.

While working take short breaks whenever you feel like you have to. Move from your desk every 1 hour or at least every 30 minutes.

When your work day ends or in your day off or week off, cut back on certain activities that may drain you, so that you can take enough rest.

Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep at night.

Keep yourself Hydrated

Keep a water bottle at your side and sip it throughout the day.

Ensure you drink 8 to 12 glasses of water each day. Besides being hydrated, you may need to go to the restroom often. Do not hold your urine at any cost – it can weaken your bladder or may lead to a urinary tract infection (UTI) over a while.

Make your Workspace Pregnancy-Friendly

Use an adjustable supportive chair. If your chair is not adjustable, place a pillow or cushion.

Adjust your computer screen to eye level.

Wear supportive shoes or flat slippers instead of heels.

Know about the maternity leave policies, flexible work arrangements, and any other benefits your workplace offers.

Pace yourself and avoid Overexertion

The most important point to say is that stress comes more often in the job. This is not even good for you as well as baby. So, plan your day with do-to-list and prioritize your work.

Listen to the songs you feel soothing and calm yourself. Make a call to your family members or your life partner to make your day filled with joy.

Never Skip your Meals

If you skip your meals, it can result in bloating, acidity, and even vomiting.

And it’s good to avoid coffee if you have the habit of drinking more coffee.

9 Months of Care for YOU and your BABY at Dr Mehta’s Hospitals

We will be your buddy throughout your motherhood journey so that you can cherish your days.

Our antenatal package covers everything you need – consultations with the obstetrician, dietitian, & lactation consultants and tests, vaccinations, and a delivery kit + baby kit.

Book yours NOW!