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Monsoon care tips for the elderly

monsoon disease

Monsoon care tips for the elderly

How can you ensure that the elderly in your family or neighborhood do not become infected during this season?

Elderly people are more vulnerable to infections during the rainy season. Dry cough, common cold, flu, sinusitis, viral infections, viral conjunctivitis, ear infections, digestive problems, joint pains, fatigue, gastroenteritis caused by water-borne infections, typhoid, and aggravate respiratory illnesses such as Bronchitis, Pneumonia are some of the common health issues they experience during the monsoon season.


The following are a few precautions they can take to keep themselves safe.


  • Encourage older people to drink water that has been disinfected by boiling and consume it when it is warm. Since their level of thirst would be low during this season, it is necessary to remind them to drink adequate water. This would also help them relieve constipation. To stay safe, suggest they use warm water for bathing, brushing teeth, and other activities.
  • Recommend that they consume clean and freshly prepared homemade food while taking hygienic precautions. It is best to avoid street foods because they can upset their stomach.
  • Emphasize the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene, particularly hand sanitization through washing before consuming food. Request that they trim their nails because dirt under their nails can cause gastrointestinal problems.
  • Encourage them to eat a nutritious diet, and because the digestive capacity of older people is low during this season, it is best to eat easily digestible foods. Fruits, vegetables, greens, and fiber-rich foods such as beans, legumes, and so on should be included in their diet. Incorporating nuts, almonds, peanuts, corns, and grains into the diet can also help seniors boost their immunity.
  • Maintain cleanliness in their surroundings and avoid water stagnation in and around their residence, as mosquitos frequently breed in wet areas during the monsoon season. Dengue fever, caused by mosquito breeding, is common during the rainy season, as is cholera, caused by flies.
  • Mosquito repellents and mosquito nets should be used to avoid infection caused by mosquito bites. However, it is preferable to avoid using mosquito coils because inhaling the fumes can aggravate pre-existing Bronchitis or Asthma.
  • If possible, avoid going outside and, if necessary, carry an umbrella and raincoat to protect yourself from the elements.
  • Wet bathroom floors can be dangerously slippery, so take the necessary precautions to keep them from falling and injuring themself.
  • The elderly are more likely to trip or fall when walking outside through stagnant water or wet and uneven roads. During the monsoon season, roads can become extremely slippery and dangerous for the elderly. A fall can result in serious injuries such as fractures and head injuries, which may necessitate surgical intervention.
  • Since the elderly are unable to maintain a stable body balance, it is critical to make the necessary arrangements and assist them with a helping hand or assistive devices.
  • Since dry itchy skin is common in the elderly, using mild soaps, liberally applying moisturizers, emollients, and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated are all recommended during this season.
  • As conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, Rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis worsen during this season, older people must engage in regular physical activity indoors and follow physiotherapy exercises for joints to maintain flexibility of limbs and trunk.


  • care taking of elder people Pneumonia is a fatal old-age disease. Due to lowered immunity, preexisting respiratory diseases,  heart ailments, and other comorbid conditions, older people can develop pneumonia, which can be difficult to treat. As a result, prevention is preferable to cure. This necessitates vaccination against respiratory infections with 
  •  Pneumococcal vaccine (one dose of Conjugate 13 valent Pneumococcal vaccine followed by one dose of polysaccharide 23 valent Pneumococcal vaccine one year later) and 
  1. Influenza vaccine should be given annually for older people to boost their immunity.
  2. In order to avoid complications caused by these diseases, ask them to take their regular medications for high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, diabetes, heart problems, and so on. To ensure compliance, it is best to keep a sufficient supply of regular medications on hand
  •  During the rainy season, there is a high likelihood of power outages. As a result, it is critical to be well prepared with basic necessities such as emergency lamps, candles, a fully charged mobile phone with proper connectivity, an adequate amount of water, medicines, and so on. If possible, keep sufficient stock of provisions and vegetables at home to avoid frequent trips to the store.
  •  Before the rains begin, it is critical to keep the home well protected and waterproof. Make all necessary preparations, such as repairing any holes, crevices, or pipes, closing drains, and gutters, and removing any stagnant water.
  • Sudden showers, a damp environment, and unpleasant weather can have an impact on the mental health of older adults. Keeping in touch and connecting with family members during this difficult time can help them deal with their mental complexities. 
  • In addition to the items listed above, keep some necessary gadgets with your elderly parents, such as mobile phones with proper connectivity, an alarm system with a torch, first aid kits, financial aid, and so on.
  •  Preventing the elderly from getting wet in the rain: Getting wet in the rain can cause a variety of health problems, including fever, persistent coughing, and more. Prepare all of their monsoon gear ahead of time to avoid getting wet when they go outside. Getting wet will temporarily cool their body, but the consequences will be difficult to manage.
  •  The rainy season is a stressful time for the elderly population because they are unable to go out or maintain their daily routine. 

elder people care

  • If the elders rely on caregivers for their daily activities, the caregivers should be free of infections, coughs, and fever. Caregivers should also maintain good personal hygiene.
  • If the elders become ill, rather than advocating self-treatment, it is preferable to consult a doctor. If the elderly person is unable to visit a hospital or clinic, they can use teleconsultation to take care of themselves.


 Dr.G.S.Shanthi, M.D., Geriatrics

Consultant Geriatric physician,

Mehta Multispecialty Hospitals,

Velappanchavadi, Chennai

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