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Mom’s general conversation with her baby in the womb:

“Hello, my little one!

Mommy loves you so much. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your tiny cheeks. Your dad is too excited to meet you.

Both of us are taking good care of you. And you’re going to be such a strong and healthy baby.

Did you hear that? That’s mommy’s heartbeat. I love feeling you kick and wiggle.”

Every mother speaks with their babies in the womb similarly to these conversations. Isn’t that right?

Are you one of them?


Your baby hears your voice, you know?

Baby Can Hear You

As you know, the pregnancy journey is divided into: the first trimester (0–13 weeks), the second trimester (14–26 weeks), and the third trimester (27–40 weeks).

The hearing organ of the baby starts to develop in the first trimester, yet the fetus cannot hear any sound.

Beginning in the second trimester—roughly around 18 weeks of pregnancy—the baby can hear your heartbeat, the gurgle of your stomach, and a gentle whooshing sound while you breathe in and out of the lungs. 

In the late second trimester—around 26 to 27 weeks—the baby can hear your voice and noises from the external world, like people’s voices or music you hear.

But how they hear is..


It’s because of the amniotic fluid that surrounds them.

Amniotic fluid acts as a protective cushion, which actually helps to maintain a stable environment for the fetus within the womb. However, it lessens the external sounds – causing them to be somewhat muted or muffled before reaching the baby’s ears.

In the second trimester, even when you hear the loud noise, the baby won’t feel it as loud as you hear it.   

Then, you might wonder..

When The Baby Can Perceive Your Voice?

The clearest voice your baby can hear in the womb is undoubtedly yours.

This happens in the third trimester, spanning from weeks 27 to 40. The fetus’s hearing continues to develop and refine.

During this, the fetus becomes increasingly responsive to sounds and may even react to familiar voices and music.

For example, babies may respond to your voice by moving more or exhibiting changes in heart rate.

Signs To Watch For..

If your baby is not responding to your voice and you’re not feeling any movements or kicks, it’s important to consult your obstetrician & gynecologist.

Lack of response to sound and reduced fetal movement could be signs of potential issues with the baby’s hearing or overall health.

On a positive note,

What Can You Do To Make Your Baby Feel Good In Your Womb?

Regardless of the stages of the pregnancy, the baby in your womb can hear you and even respond in the third trimester.

So, you can make your baby feel calm and nurture it for a healthy pregnancy journey.

Here it is..

Listen to any calm & soothing music or anything you’d love to do, which could make it stress-free for you too. When you feel calm, it can have a positive impact on the blood flow to the baby in the womb.

Dad too, plays an important role. When you and your husband talk to the baby while it is in the womb, this can create a strong bond early on. Even with siblings, when they do so.

Post-delivery, the baby could resonate the voices the same way they had heard them when in the womb, which creates a secure and comforting environment after the birth.

Safe To Safer Hands @ Dr Mehta’s Hospitals

Every motherhood is unique, and so is yours too.

Our antenatal care program brings comprehensive support to you, including regular checkups, screenings, education, and emotional support.

Dr Mehta’s Antenatal Premium Package covers it all. You will have buddy support until baby delivery. Antenatal Yoga, Physiotherapy, and antenatal support classes are inclusive to make your pregnancy journey happy and healthy. For your baby’s health too.

What not..

A free subscription for a pregnancy app is available too.

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