Dr.Mehta's Children's Hospital

Emergency 24 x7 :
  Chetpet - 40054005 , Velappanchavadi - 40474047
For Appointment : Chetpet - 044 -42271234, Velappanchavadi: 044-40474057 / 8754889666

Best Doctors in the industry are here

Dr Prasad N

Senior  Eminent Pediatric Surgeon with over 35 years experience  in handling  surgery of newborns, infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Former Head of Government Pediatric Surgical Unit and considered among the Top Pediatric Surgeons in India.

Dr P Balamourugane

Leading Super-Specialist Paediatric Surgeon from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). Extremely competent in handling surgery of newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults including Gastrointestinal, Urological and Congenital Defects. Reputed as skilled surgeon with exceptional clinical outcomes.

Dr G Nandhini

Highly Competent Pediatric Surgeon from with over 10 years of experience in Gastrointestinal, Urological and Congenital Defect Surgeries with open and laparascopic technique. Reputed as skilled surgeon with good clinical outcomes and ranked high in customer satisfaction.